Fotografiska New York in New York City: New Miles Aldridge Retrospective

"Immaculee #3," 2007 © Miles Aldridge
Virgin Mary. Supermarkets. Popcorn. Photographs 1999 to 2020 is on view through October 2021 at Fotografiska New York in New York City. There is really no mistaking a Miles Aldridge photograph. Bright, glossy, and Pop-edged, the fashion-favored artist stirs references to film noir and domestic worlds with quiet subversion. Opening this week, Aldridge’s touring retrospective debuts at Fotografiska New York with his first U.S. museum exhibition. Aptly titled Virgin Mary. Supermarkets. Popcorn. Photographs 1999 to 2020, this showcase of more than 60 works weaves together a range of subjects from religious Virgin Mary figures to consumerist Stepford Wives to 2-D/3-D scenes of movie-goers. In the artist’s surreal visual world, the layers of his work—and its subtle, endless questioning—is often as enigmatic as the images themselves''...
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